Relocate to Wakulla

We have tools and resources available to help your business succeed. From grants to support infrastructure, environmental studies and workforce training to incentive dollars to help offset your costs, we can offer a competitive package that sets our community apart. With these incentives and our beautiful natural resources, Wakulla County is the natural place for your business.

Business Recruitment and Expansion Tools

Infrastructure and Development

We can access grant dollars to fund infrastructure needs like natural gas lines, road improvements, or water/sewer on public lands up to your site through the Rural Infrastructure Fund and other sources. Through partnerships with other organizations, the County can also access free resources for Phase I Environmental Assessments to help you prepare for construction.

New Facilities Built to Spec

In partnership with our signature private industrial park owners, Opportunity Park, we can explore opportunities to construct a new facility that meets your specific size and layout requirements with long-term leasing. This can save money that may be required to retrofit existing structures and ensure that you do not need to compromise the optimal layout to fit within an existing building.


Offset Costs to the Company

For businesses that will create jobs that help raise our annual wage and have a significant return on investment, we can leverage incentives only offered in our region. Partnerships with Triumph Gulf Coast and the University of West Florida's Industry Resilience and Diversification Grant Program can be explored to offset some of the cost of equipment, taxes, or other investment needs.

Workforce Training and Certifications

To ensure you have the best workforce available, we can discuss the many certifications offered within our school system that help grow our talent locally. We can also access grant dollars to train your workforce and help your employees obtain top industry certifications specific to your needs.


Wakulla County's Average Wage Requirements

Our suite of incentives are leveraged from state and regional partners that target specific industries and are focused on helping our community raise the annual average wage for workers. We can work with you to determine if your business falls within one of Florida's targeted industries and meets the annual wage requirements to receive assistance.

Average Wage

115% Average Wage

150% Average Wage

200% Average Wage


Contact us today to put our team to work for you!


Enterprise Florida
Oppertunity Florida
Duke Energy